✔ 最佳答案
Hope the below helps!!
(1) 點解連真假都唔識分, 仲可以成日話自己係專家 ?
You cannot even distinguish the authenticness of the products, how dare you to pretend to be a professionalist?!
(2) 呢樣野唔係得你先識, 唔好再講到自己係權威咁
I do not think you are the only one who knows well about this stuff!
Please do not pretend to be one of the experts over this issue.
(3) 你覺得自己係判官定係專家 ? 可以隨便話人D野係假!
Do you think you are a judge ot specialist or something? Please don't comment on other people's stuffs if you know nothing about them.
(4) 証實係假?! 邊個証實? 你自己? 純粹係你自己覺得就四圍唱人!
It is proved to be fake?
How did it?
By yourself?
Huh... It's all only your opinion and please do not make any wrong judgements and spend them around, you fool!
(5) 你覺唔覺得你侮辱緊自己既人格?
Dont you think you are humiliating yourself, stupid?
(6) 你唔識就唔好扮識啦, 專家!
Please dont pretend to be an expert while no one thinks you are!
(7) 呢個人貪得無厭想一毫子都唔比就得到佢想要既野
This man is insatiably avaricious, he wants everything without paying a penny!
(8) 呢個無懶奸計得唔到逞就四圍作故仔唱衰人,又散播謠言, 超無品.
This rascal is sprending romours. Please dont trust him and his act is unacceptable!
(9) 同你呢個大話精再辯論都係 side 時間
It is wasting time to debate with you, liar!