
2007-03-30 9:46 am

回答 (2)

2008-07-31 5:12 pm
看了回答者的回答, 真奇了, 我家人持葡國發出的葡護照, 所謂黑簿. 澳門發出的是豬肝色, 他們全家去愛爾蘭可以工作和居住六年多了. 兒子讀政府學校學費全免. (在葡發出的護照和澳門發出的有分別的. ) 長遠不說, 一句明白, 持黑簿看你高等的, 持豬肝簿看你下等的.
2007-03-31 8:27 am
Dear myeugn & all,

The Netherlands is also a member of EU.

The colour of the cover of Portuguese passport for common citizen is in burgundy red.

It is embarassing to be a citizen of a country without having at least some knowledge of the native language, frankly speaking. When I was in Portugal some years back certain people did question me for not speaking the language properly. I explained to them that even though I'm part Portuguese by blood I didn't have chances even to listen to the language after the passing on of my grandparent.... I was told that some mainland Portuguese were not very happy about the fact that many Portuguese passport holders from Macau & HK do not speak Portuguese & it was even a topic to discuss for sometime.... Anyhow it's better to learn some Portuguese, at least a few more words... & to know more about Portugal, it's a beautiful country!

Thank you.

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