urgent呀, 我要write a letter to my part time school....20分呀..

2007-03-30 8:10 am
urgent呀, 我要write a letter to my part time school, say as below:

我因為唔知道唔考試需要於考試前通知你地的, so上個term 缺席marketing exam時冇通知到, 真係好希望你地可以比我係泥緊既term來考多次, 因為如果我下個term冇得考, 而要retake的話, 我是趕不及去讀你地9月的degree course的...very very希望你可以比我補考一次

我要寫以上既野比我的學校, 希望佢可以accept我補考呀...help me!!!

回答 (2)

2007-03-30 8:21 am
✔ 最佳答案
[ 希望幫到你啦!!! ]

Dear Sirs,

I feel sorry about I absented the marketing exam last term as ..(explain yr abs reason). Could you please give me a favor to join this term of marketing exam.

I know it is very difficult to arrange of it but I really hope to join this exam.

Thanks for your consideration and looking forward to hear from you.

With best regards,
(yr name)
參考: myself
2007-03-31 5:25 am


Dear sir/ madam,

Re: Application for re-sitting the Marketing examination

I regret to inform you that I had been absent from the marketing exam last term because I had been sick. I solemnly apologize that I had not notify you of my absence before head since I was not clear about the regulation.

Now I wish to apply for re-sitting the Marketing examination in the coming term. If I am not provided for this chance, I will have to retake this course, and will be unable to enroll for the degree course of your academy in September this year. This will be a great setback for me.

I would be much obliged if you could kindly arrange the chance for me. Thank you very much for your consideration.

Yours sincerely,

(Your name)

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