我想托我家人幫我去新鴻基開股票戶口, 使吾使出cheque?

2007-03-30 7:27 am
我想托我家人幫我去新鴻基開股票戶口, 使吾使出cheque?

我意思係使吾使開張支票OR用其他方法入錢先開到戶. 定係我填好表叫我家人交去就OK?

回答 (2)

2007-03-30 8:21 am
✔ 最佳答案
Cheque ? 無啦啦做咩出cheque ?
要hkid copy同住址證明咋喎

2007-03-30 23:06:07 補充:
定係我填好表叫我家人交去就OK? 就係咁簡單你想肯定既話咪打個電話問下囉 2822-5001其實可以上網攪 https://www.shkonline.com/chi/inv_HKsh_a_copen_step1.jhtml
2007-03-30 7:31 am
The cheque must be drawn from the account opener, if the account is under your name, the cheque should be your personal cheque. This is due to anti money laundering regulations.

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