
2007-03-30 6:27 am
都係我心急,我冇下bid,又冇email,得佢電話同ac no.
得來嘰回應係冇得收返錢,咁我去報案有冇用呢,佢又唔係冇比野我,如果佢冇野比我就話佢行騙即,但我簽收左件野,咁點算好呀 ths

回答 (3)

2007-03-30 6:53 am
✔ 最佳答案
Did u buy from a local seller? if yes, I suggest you to contact Yahoo for help coz Yahoo has the information of the seller.... If Yahoo doesnt want to do anything about it, then u may report police, if the police is not going to help you, try the magazines/ media... send a complain letter to the editor, seek for help, if the media/ magazine can help you, they will give pressure to Yahoo and do something about it.

However, if the seller is not living in HK, then I don't think there's anythng u can do about it but to admit that you were stupid and lesson learnt. Be careful next time...

I will definitely request for face to face transaction for online bidding.
2007-03-30 11:11 am
首先你先 email 比個賣家,講清楚個情況,睇下佢換唔換比你先啦。



2007-03-30 6:51 am

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