入境問題﹐須要幫忙﹗﹗﹗我個加拿大study permit過期後先離境 而家可返去加拿大旅遊嗎???

2007-03-30 6:11 am
我1999年-2005年係多倫多讀書﹐Student VISA到2005年12月﹐不過我到2006年9月先離境﹐
P.S. (我今次諗住用特區護照入境)

加拿大係點知我幾時離境﹖因為我離開既時候﹐只係air-line個check-in個到用過我個passport。我係無經過D咩移民官既。 P.S. 我係搭CX既機﹐直飛返香港。

回答 (2)

2007-04-09 1:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
Under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations, overstaying in Canada is illegal.
"Immigration officers can arrest foreign nationals and permanent residents who are suspected of breaching the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act. " http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/pub/imm-law.html
If you claim to CIC agent when you arrive at a Canadian port as though you did not overstay for the purposing of gaining entry to Canada, you can be charged under Section 127(b)Immigration and Refugee Protection Act for misrepresenting and that carries a maximum penalty of $100,000 and/or 5 years in jail.
Note: Using a different passport DOES NOT remove the fact your overstayed in Canada. In fact, because of the same name, date and place of birth, etc, it's even easier to track you down.
For the following reasons above, I suggest you contact the Consulate General of Canada in Hong Kong PRIOR to leaving for Canada.

2007-04-08 17:26:03 補充:
Breaching immigration law in Canada is a serious matter and should not be taken lightly. Make sure you've talked to the proper authority prior to entering Canada again because there can be a Removal Order(遣送離境令) waiting to be executed.

2007-04-09 02:44:36 補充:
When you checkin with your airline company to or from Canada/US, the airline is by law required to submit the name of passengers, passport number, nationalities, etc to the government. Just because you were able to bypass immigration, that doesn't mean they don't have a record...
2007-04-05 3:13 pm

2007-04-05 07:15:53 補充:

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