
2007-03-30 6:05 am

回答 (7)

2007-03-30 11:50 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. 好開心你話在乎我. Very happy 'cause you said you've been thinking about me.
2. 雖然唔知真定假. Since we don't know if it's true or false. 就算係假我都甘心俾你呃!. Even if it's false I'll still let you lie to me!.
3. 你尋晚講過既所有野. The things you said to me last night. 聽完我真係好感動. After listening to them all I felt very touched by them. 好想一直都留係你身邊. Really want to be by your side from now on.

2007-03-30 03:56:15 補充:
我錯了!“在乎”不是“thinking about”,它是“care about”!NO→錯→ 1. 好開心你話在乎我. Very happy 'cause you said you've been thinking about me.YES→對→ 1. 好開心你話在乎我. Very happy 'cause you said you care about me.對不起!@_@
參考: Hope this can help you! Have a Nice Day! ^-^
2007-04-01 8:31 pm
You should consider ericma and/or wingjirene's translations. THAT'S IS ENGLISH, the others, I don't know.
2007-03-30 7:42 am
1. I am pleased that you care about me.

2. I don't know it's true or not. Even though it's not true, i still fall in your lies.

3. I am touching after you had said all. I really want to by your side forever.
2007-03-30 6:24 am
I'm so happy because you say you care about me.
Although I don't know it's true or false,if it's false but I also willingly for your deceit.
Last night you said anythings,I'm so surprised.I hope I can keep your side.


2007-03-29 22:27:43 補充:
Sorry!更正!1.好開心你話在乎我I'm so happy because you say that you care about me.3.你尋晚講過既所有野...聽完我真係好感動..好想一直都留係你身邊.. Last night you said anythings,I'm so surprised.I hope I can stay with you forever.
2007-03-30 6:20 am

1.Good is happy your speech to care about me
2.Although does not know really decides the vacation. Calculated is assumes me all to be resigned to you!
3.You seek late say all have been already wild.. Listens to me really is the good move. Good wants continuously all to remain is your side
2007-03-30 6:17 am
1. I'm so happy that you said you care about me.

2. I wonder if you mean what you said, but I'm willing to believe you even if you lied to me.

3. What you said last night is so touching that I really want to stay with you forever.
2007-03-30 6:13 am
1.好開心你話在乎我= 1. Good is happy your speech to care about my

2.雖然唔知真定假..就算係假我都甘心俾你呃!= 2. Although does not know really decides the vacation. Calculated is assumes me all to be resigned to you!

3.你尋晚講過既所有野...聽完我真係好感動..好想一直都留係你身邊..= 3. You seek late say all have been already wild.. Listens to me really is the good move. Good wants continuously all to remain is your side..

你可以用lee個網翻譯: http://www.babelfish.altavista.com/tr

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