Work in ibank preparation

2007-03-30 4:41 am
Hello, I am now an Engineering Degree Student in PolyU and its my first year. My GPA is 2.88 (4.5ranking system). I wish to work in investment bank after I graduate but not neccessarily on the ibanking side, maybe trading or other department. I wonder what do I have to prepare for my goal? Is that true that they will not consider or having interview if I dont have 2nd hon? Can my result allow me to join intership in ibank? How long usually the intership last? Work everyday no holiday?

回答 (3)

2007-03-31 6:49 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Don't need to change ur course ar.....Engineering Degree is god damn good~ I m also a first yr Computer Science n i still got an internship offer from u can juz carry on
If u reli keen to work in I-Bank, make sure u know wht is I-Bank....

Quote: "but not neccessarily on the ibanking side, maybe trading"

Trading is 1 of the most wealth part in I-Bank......

Anyway, wht u HAVE to do is, apply as much as summer internship as u can at ur penultimate year, and u need to beware the deadline...that's wht i hv missed for GS...they set the deadline at december...haf a yr b4...*****in hell...

it's much more easy to get in the graduation program afda u hv done the internship...

ALL I-Bank will only consider second-upper (2:1)...don't even think abt it, if u r not.....

Be confident, no matter wht, juz gv a try...if u r still not confident enough...don't apply for the front office....operations n IT will most likely offer worry...

most internship will last for 8-10 weeks, all depends....
for the holiday, juz depends on which division that u r going to get in...
IBD--> mo holiday
sale n trading --> long working hours, but still hv regular life and holiday
ops n IT --> easy life

get the web site n learn about the structure of I-Bank

2007-03-31 10:55:00 補充:
forget to say, they will provide financial lecture during the internship and graduation program to u ga...reli no need to worry abt's reli depends on ur attuitude, passion and IQ to get in I-Bank
2007-04-03 6:14 am
2nd hon is almost a definite to join if you want to join straight after university and without much financial knowledge.

Trading is the hardest area to join. Make sure you understand what i-banking is before talking about joining them. Read their websites, books about it.

Easier route to join is internship and as the other mentions, the operation and IT department are easier too. The key to join is make sure you can show your interest in this industry by reading books, and master the interviews by practicing it.
2007-03-30 6:40 am
既然你想做投資銀行的工作, 尤其是trading添,點解你唔轉系?
既然你year 1甘早已經所謂甘清楚你自己的goal, 點解你一早揀engineering?

唔係唔得, 我04年畢業, 我工作兩年半以來, 真係見過唔少人讀同做既field唔同, 但我可以話你知, 條路難行好多. 因為我真係感受到, 爛船都有三斤釘既道理, 論你係U度, 科major讀得幾差都好, 始終d basic knowledge都好過一個讀d無黎喇更的科既申請人。
加上, 你必須要知, 每年最多人畢業既學系就係與商科有關的學科.........加上, 你只係POLY......點比, 人地都會先將機會俾左HKU, CU同UST的同學。

我認為, 你若果唔轉系, 你可以做的是........
1. 爭取高d既GPA
2. 考CFA
3. 爭取呢兩年去銀行做PT或INTERN的機會

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