
2007-03-30 4:02 am
1.My dad is ________ (be)35 years old tomorrow.
2.When did you make the cake?
We _______ the cake this morning.
3.How did Mr.wong go to China?
He _______ to China by train.
4.We are_________(play)basketball in our PE lesson tomorrow.
5.My mother danced ________ this morning.she was very happy.
6.It is very cold today.We________ wear shorts.

回答 (5)

2007-03-30 4:05 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.My dad will be (be)35 years old tomorrow.
2.When did you make the cake?
We made the cake this morning.
3.How did Mr.wong go to China?
He went to China by train.
4.We will play(play)basketball in our PE lesson tomorrow.
5.My mother danced this morning.she was very happy.
6.It is very cold today.We wear shorts.

2007-03-29 20:07:46 補充:
上的錯下的right1.My dad will be (be)35 years old tomorrow. 2.When did you make the cake?3.How did Mr.Wong go to China?4.We will play(play)basketball in our PE lesson tomorrow.5.My mother danced this morning.she was very happy.6.It is very cold today.We wore shorts.
2007-03-30 4:17 am
Q1.My Dad is___(be)35years old tomorrow.
A1.My Dad will be 35 years old tomorrow.
Q2.When did you make the cake?
A2. We made the cake this morning.
Q3.How did Mr.wong go to China?
A3.He travelled to China by train.
Q4.We are_________(play)basketball in our PE lesson tomorrow.
A4.We will playbasketball in our PE lesson tomorrow.
Q5.My mother danced ________ this morning.she was very happy.
A5.My mother danced in this morning.she was very happy.
Q6.It is very cold today.We________ wear shorts.
A 6.It is very cold today.We wear shorts.
參考: MEME
2007-03-30 4:08 am
2.are makeing
參考: me
2007-03-30 4:07 am
1. will be
(因為tomorrow應該用future tense)
2. made
(問題果度見到有"did"又有"make", 就知道要用past sim)
3. went
4. playing
(are playing其實同are going to play同一道理, future tense because of the word*tomorrow*)
5. in
(in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, at night)
6. shouldn't
(哩句.. 係自由發揮吧? 我諗應該係"今天很寒冷, 我們不應穿短褲"??)

2007-03-29 20:07:58 補充:
第1題係going to be沒錯= =對不起..= =|||
2007-03-30 4:06 am
1) going to be
2) made
3) travel
4) playing
5) in
6) can't

希望幫到你! >
參考: 自己

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