Runescape Quest(IMP Catcher)

2007-03-30 3:50 am
I know how to do it but I want suggestions that where I can fight the greatest number of IMPs.
I am Lv.43.
Thanks for your help!!!

How about in Varrock palace?

回答 (5)

2007-04-05 7:42 am
✔ 最佳答案
You can go to karajma island.
There has the GREATEST number of imps.
You can see the volcano.
Go to the west of it or almost to the gate for members, there you can see a lot of imps!
參考: me,,
2007-04-03 6:17 am
Difficulty level: Easy

Start location: Talk to Wizard Mizgog at Wizard tower's 3rd floor.

NPC: Mizgog, Grayzag


To start off, go to Mizgog at the wizard tower. He is on the third floor. You need to collect 4 beads for him. The Wizard Grayzag has summoned hundreds of little imps. They have stolen a lot of things belonging to the Wizard Mizgog including his magic beads.

You can find Imps nearly everywhere in the world of Runescape but best place to kill them is at Karamja Volcano. Kill imps until you have black, yellow, red and white bead.


Take the beads to Mizgog and he rewards you.


Amulet of accuracy
875 Magic exp.

2007-04-02 22:18:46 補充:
You can fight imps beside Lumbridge Castle.
參考: tip it .com
2007-03-30 10:46 pm
談話對巫術師Mizgog 。他將告訴您他丟失了他的小珠哪些是紅色小珠、白色小珠、黑小珠和黃色小珠。他並且將告訴您, 巫術師Grayzag's 淘氣鬼竊取了小珠。告訴他, 您將退回小珠到他。 您能發現一些imps 在您是的屋子旁邊。殺害一些規則Imps 得到小珠。是耐心, don't 一致地投下他們的Imps 。區域發現Imps 是在Karamja dungeon/volcano 和南部附近Falador 。如果您唔想殺害Imps, 唔洗憂慮。有其它方式得到小珠。您能買小珠從球員。那將保存得很多時間。 在您收集了所有小珠之後, 回到巫術師Mizgog 。他將獎勵您。

2007-03-30 14:48:06 補充:
參考: me
2007-03-30 10:15 pm
what is your usensme?i take you go to here do this quest!my usename is crazyoscar!add me your friends!
參考: me
2007-03-30 5:52 am

2007-04-05 08:21:10 補充:
karamja個volcano都有2-3隻,不過要搭船去,每程要30 gp,加上有d lvl 14既scorpion係附近,唔建議閣下去。

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