Agency Mc 4

2007-03-30 2:00 am
Philip asks Agnes to sell two necklaces for him at an agreed commission rate of 2% on the sale price. Neither is to be sold for less that HK$1,000. Agnes sells one to Felicity for HK$1,500 but tells Philip the selling price was HK1,300 and pays this amount to him. The other Agnes buys herself, paying Philip HK1,000. Philip has discovered these transactions and reclaimed the necklace bought by Agnes.

He wants to know (i) how much commission she needs to pay Agnes and (ii) how much she can claim from Agnes. (i) Commission (ii) claim A. Nil , HK$200 B. Nil , HK$300 C. HK$20, HK$500 D. HK$50, HK1,200

回答 (2)

2007-03-31 11:58 pm
✔ 最佳答案
佢自己話selling1500,最少值1000元,那claim 500
2007-04-02 10:52 pm

1. $1,500 X2% = $300
2. $1,000 x 2%= $200

Total : $500
Claim :
1. $200
2. $0

Total $200

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