Law Agency Mc

2007-03-30 1:43 am
Which of the following does Not describe the legal position following ratification by a principal of his agent's contract?
A. The principal may sue the third party on the contract
B. The agent is no longer liable for exceeding his authority
C. The principal is liable to pay the agent reasonable remuneration
D. the agent may be sued by the third party on the contract


回答 (1)

2007-03-31 11:16 pm
✔ 最佳答案

2007-03-31 15:38:55 補充:
Which of the following does Not describe the legal position following ratification by a principal of his agent's contract?承認咗agency身份,是可以告第三者 (d) (principal都可以告到) (a)也可以取到合理薪金 (d)因此答案應該是b

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