Which kind of energy is the best to develope in Hong Kong?

2007-03-30 12:25 am
Which kind of energy is the best to develope in Hong Kong?
1)Hydro-electric power
2)wind power
3)solar power
4)nuclear power
5)geothermal power
6)tidal power
7)wave power

回答 (2)

2007-03-30 1:39 am
✔ 最佳答案
i think it should be No.6(tidal power) or No.7(wave power )
Hong Kong don't have any big river to get electric to the whole city.It is an urban area so is hard for Hong Kong to use to wind cause all the high builting stop the wind coming. And HK is a popular city, it is too dangerous if anything happen in the nuclear.I don't pick No.5 because geothermal power means you need to get the heat from the under gound and also HK don't have any volcano to get the heat.

I choose No.6 or No.7 because HK have Victoria habour. That also mean HK can use tidal power or the wave power.
參考: myself
2007-03-30 7:14 am
Hydro-electric and geothermal power are impossible because there is no big river or volcanoes/hot springs here. Solar power for generating electricity is not possible too because there is not enough space. Nuclear power : too dangerous especially here with a high population density, would not be possible because of public objection. Tidal and wave power : not sure, may be the cost is too expensive and our harbour is too busy to set up such kind of power plant. Wind power : may be the most possible one - of course not inside the city, but in countryside and coastal areas. The power company in Hong Kong had already set up a windmill in Lamma Island, and some said that the offshore of Sai Kung is a good place because there is strong prevailing wind. By the way, the development of renewable energy in HK still faces a lot of obstacles - physical, financial, social ......

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