
2007-03-29 9:24 pm
即日來回, 目的地馬六甲唐人街, Local tour 不可自由活動, 酒店租車要至少800元坡紙, 請問有無平的租車連司機 或公共交通公具, 其他提議?

回答 (3)

2007-03-30 5:30 am
✔ 最佳答案

本來我哋想坐taxi去Golden Mill Complex再轉車去馬 六甲 ,登上taxi後司機告訴我們可以從Kaltang Bahru Terminal搭Melacca Singapore Express去馬 六甲 ,真係好啦!用咗不足10分鐘的時間,我哋就可以去到車站同時坐上Melacca Singapore Express,so lucky!

你可以上網check下有好多類似的公車來回新加坡及馬來西亞不同的地方, 如新山,吉隆坡, 馬六甲等地
2007-04-01 8:17 am
It definitely less than S$800!

If you catch a long distance bus from Singapore or Johor Bahru to Melaka. It only cost $/RM 1x.xx Last time, I took a bus from JB to Melaka, only cost me RM17 (one way). Journey takes 2hrs.

Renting car is very cheap in Malaysia, but I don't see the point of renting a car if you only go to Melaka historic city centre. It is walkable. Melaka town is very concentrated and small. One whole day is enough. Only if you need to go to ther places in Melaka state, then you will need public transport, but taxi will do. Make sure you ask others for a normal price before you use taxis, because they don't have meters on board, you need to bargain with them.

On the way back, just use express bus again.
2007-03-30 8:40 pm
you may find what your want from here: http://www.maleisure.com/
參考: Cuti-Cuit Malaysia 2007

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