
2007-03-29 8:07 pm

回答 (3)

2007-03-29 8:24 pm
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i think why prison break attracts audience so much is the prison and prisoner themselves. what happens beyond the bars are normally mystery. this tv drama shows a great amount of detail the survival techniques that each prisoner has. as dramatic it is, the tension between prisoners is all true in life. i don't think that all prisoners are smart, however, they must learn how to survive inside the prison if they want to lived and not be killed. there are unwritten rules inside the prison that are set by prisoners themselves.
why the white collars and above status people like to watch this show? i don't have an exact answer. people not necessary want to watch such show to gain knowledge how to be a bad guy. what we can learn is the how to survive. survive within society and work place. those are the common battle ground for us normal people. even prison life has nothing to do with these people, but it satisfy the curiosity that people has for prison. the world behind the bars is a total separate space from the world we are in.
參考: self opinion
2007-03-30 4:41 am
第一:唔係個個角色都聰明絕頂,有點懷疑你係咪真係咁深入去睇prison break定係就咁睇表面。同埋我好記得好耐之前係真係有人同佢地個方法出到黎!
第二:呢個係一個tv show,有壞人有咩出奇?CSI呢種劇集都有壞人啦,有埋殺人場面,但係真係有幾多人睇左呢d劇而去跟隨?同埋,呢個故事係講prison ge,如果d人冇做呢d事咁佢地入黎做咩?渡假?我唔相信真係有咁多人會因為睇過prison break而去入黑社會,學做賊。加上主角都係因為想救佢阿哥而入獄,同呢d係冇關囉
參考: 個人意見
2007-03-29 8:17 pm

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