我想發問一下 精液 太淡(象米水色)

2007-03-29 1:15 pm
大家好!!! 本人是一位20year 的人
我想問一下為何精液太淡的 象米水色
因為我好想有bb 會不會 不太可能??? 是不是精虫不足???好害怕的 又 好擔心
(請求大大解答問題) ps:謝謝

回答 (2)

2007-03-29 4:06 pm
✔ 最佳答案
有bb or not, not related to 精液太淡 or 精液象米水色 !
Only ONE sperm can fertilize ONE egg, then do you think there is ZERO sperm in the 精液 ? of course not, there must be MORE THAN ONE sperm in the 精液 !
so if I were you, I won't worry.... if you CONCERN or CARE about your 精液太淡, please do not PLAY with JJ too frequently ... and let both JJ and Yuen Yuen rest !
you should play with JJ once a week or even once twice a week, so Yuen Yuen can accumulate the sperm for you, and make 精液 THICKER, not 太淡 !
and the more strength you have, and not over-playing your JJ, your 精液太淡 problem will be IMPROVED or completely gone !
good luck la, no need to worry.
2007-03-29 5:41 pm

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