Photoshop 效果一問

2007-03-29 8:25 am
我想問圖片上面有電視橫間效果, 應點做 ? 我本身略懂 Photoshop , 如用其他軟件可做到, 煩請詳述.
我在 見到中間幅圖有此效果.


回答 (2)

2007-03-31 6:18 am
✔ 最佳答案
RGB模式下進行,在相片copy上一層新layer,將tool box上的foreground同background填上黑白色,然後按Filter>Sketch>Halftone Palette,會出Halftone Palette對話框,最低一項選上 line ,size可按1 或 2(視乎相片的pixel大小,數值越大橫線越粗),Contrast建議選0 或 1(數值越大橫線越銳利),完成後該layer Opacity40-60%,可選overlay/hard light或luminosity(視乎相片顏色),便應是您想要的效果
參考: 自已經驗
2007-03-29 5:23 pm
actually, what I always do is use Photoshop texture to do effects ...
You want to do Banding effects, you just need to create a PSD file in your Texture folder, gray color like the one "LINES.PSD"
and use it in your texture ... very simple
for example, use this image
gray scale it first and save it as BANDS.PSD in your \Texture folder of Photoshop,
then using Filter->Texture->Texturizer->load Bands.psd and you can see it will work exactly like you want it to be.
hope it help
參考: photoshop experiences

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