International Traveling Advice?

2007-03-28 11:05 am
I'll be leaving the USA this Friday and heading to Great Britain and then France. I'm just looking for any last-minute advice or tips about anything travel-related! Luggage, flying, hotels, manners, food, pictures, souvenirs, dress code, things to avoid, things to try, security, anything you can think of that might be helpful!

回答 (7)

2007-03-30 7:26 am
✔ 最佳答案
Luggage -- use a cable tie to lock them since they won't allow real locks. And if customs wanted to unlock you luggage, they can aways just cut them.

Flying -- not sure what's the current rule about carrying liquid on the plane, but don't bring a big bottle of lotion because you will end up tossing it when passing security. Last I flew (two weeks ago on domestic) they only allow max 4 oz. of liquid through security check point. During the flight, just keep yourself hydrated. You don't want your skin to look dry and tired!

Hotels -- If there's a safe keep in your room, lock your passport there and them bring a photocopy of your passport in your purse. You don't want to carry the real passport around and risk losing it.

Manners -- just be courteous, you'll be fine. A smile helps. =)

Food -- try whatever you feel like it and have fun!

Pictures -- if you are bringing a digital camera, make sure you have a memory card with enough memory for all your pictures. If not, bring your laptop with you so that you can off load your pics everyday.

Souvenirs - avoid bringing back anything easy to break.

Dress code --- just dress for the occasion and anything comfortable to you. Wear a good pair of shoes that can let you WALK FOR A LONG TIME. It's all about walking when you travel.

Security -- make sure to keep your purse or backpack close to you and make sure they are zipped up at all times. Be sure to have the phone number and address of the US Embassy at your destination. Have the phone numbers of your credit cards in case of lost cards. There is usually an oversea number, just check online.

Good Luck and enjoy your trip!
參考: personal traveling experience
2007-04-05 5:51 pm
pack light,
drink lots of water on the plane so you don't dehydrate, don't be a " loud" American in France, (in GB it's ok)
(have lots of small bills and change in foreign currency, try the local cuisine,
pack small amts of aspirin-pepto bismol tabs-anti-diahreahl watch your pockets and purse carefully,
go to the local haunts to shop etc,
get a map and try to figure it out on your own b4 asking
don't overdue the schedule of events
sit, have a cafe' au lait and watch the locals
and oooooooooooh enjoy yourself!!!
2007-04-02 2:48 am
GB is not going to be a problem.
However the French do not want to speak English. In your hotel it is their lively hood and they will accommodate you, however on the street don't even try to ask directions.
If you can speak Spanish, you may address somebody by asking if they speak Spanish and then ask the question. I always tell them I am from Argentina or Chile. . .sure the French understand Spanish
2007-03-29 7:45 pm
It depends on how long you are going for luggage Q's. Take things you KNOW you will wear, but be prepared ie. raincoat, umbrella (but you can easily pick up little travel ones). Jeans, a couple of tops (long/short) jacket/coat..its amazing how little you REALLY need to take. Some hotels have hairdriers.

I didn't realise on my first trip to paris that souveniers people buy are from little outdoor tourist markets. I only bought postcards (which are great as they are cheap and take better pictures thatn me and have the names on them too)!!!
I agree with the learning French words...the french are very good at replying ONLY in french..especailly in paris.
Pack you on board luggage carefully. You will see lists of sharp/dangerous things you can't take on the plane and try to keep things out of your pockets to make it quicker to go thru security detectors.
Eat as much local food as you can!! Its worth it in France!!! (but take a phrasebook as often menus are only in french).
I like taking lots of pictures too, but thats personal I guess.
Research the place you are going to visit too, its much better having an idea before you go what you would like to do than leaving it and missing out on great things.
I travelled alone, so I did a lot of day trips/sight seeing as I met people and saw things I might not. eg versailles

2007-03-28 6:38 pm
In England, be sure to look right before looking left to cross the street. Traffic is inverted.

Before you tip at restaurants, see if it's already included in the bill...

In France, DO NOT ask to take your half-eaten dinner to-go... It is very disrespectful.

Make an effort to learn a few french words. The French appreciate tourists trying to speak their language. You will recieve better service if you do.

I wish i were going. Have fun!
2007-03-28 6:17 pm
You won't be expected to tip as much in USA. Luggage - travel lightly. Ditch stuff like hair dryers - they won't run properly there anyway. Leave sneakers at home unless you will be playing sports.
2007-03-28 6:08 pm
hey why dont you take me along!

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