
2007-03-29 7:57 am
小動作英文係乜??ps give me an example....thanks!!

回答 (4)

2007-03-31 3:16 am
✔ 最佳答案
如果你指的「小動作」是點頭、撥髮、咬手指、左搖右擺等等的身體語言, 可統稱為 ‘gestures’ 或 ‘little gestures’;‘gestures’ 的定義是 the use of the movement of the body, esp. of the hands, to express a certain meaning or feeling (Longman Dict.Of Contemporary English)。例句:His little gestures over the mah-jong table often indicate he has a big game in hand (他在麻雀檯上的小動作往往顯示他有 ‘大牌’ 在手)。
不明白yahoo dictionary為什麼有 ‘petty action’一詞, 從未聽聞此用法; 把 ‘動作’ 譯為 ‘action’ 並不符合 ‘小動作’ 的意思, 香港很多人將所有的 ‘動作’ 一律當成 ‘action’, 是錯的。
如果你的「小動作」是指 ‘花招’、‘花巧’、‘巧計’ (廣東話的 ‘整色整水’) 等, 英文可以是 ‘little tricks’。例如你說 “唔好咁多小動作, 快話我知幾時還錢!”, 英文可以是 “Don't play that little tricks of yours, just tell me when will I have my money back”。
2007-04-02 1:06 am
小動作 1.a petty action; a little trick; a little maneuver 2.[Sports] gamesmanship

ex:Brian always has some petty action.
2007-03-30 3:37 am
小動作英文係petty action
2007-03-29 8:05 am
小動物 - Little animal
寵物 - Pet
參考: me

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