2007-03-29 7:43 am
1)when a polynomial f(x) is divided by x-5, the remainder is 9.When it is divided byx+2,the remainder is -5.Find the remainder whenf(x) is divided by(x-5)(x+2).

回答 (3)

2007-03-29 8:21 am
✔ 最佳答案
First of all, if the polynomial is divided by a quadratic factor, the remainder must be a linear polynomial or a constant.
So to speak, let Px + Q be the remainder where P and Q are constants.
Then, from the given:
f(5) = 9 and f(-2) = -5
So from these results, we can see that:
f(x) = (x-5)(x+2)Q(x) + (Px + Q) where Q(x) is the quotient polynomial.
Put x = 5:
f(5) = 5P + Q
5P + Q = 9 .... (1)
Put x = -2:
f(-2) = -2P + Q
-2P + Q = -5 ....(2)
Solving (1) and (2), we have:
P = 2 and Q = -1
Therefore, the remainder when f(x) is divided by (x-5)(x+2) is 2x - 1.
參考: My Maths knowledge
2007-03-29 6:26 pm
2007-03-29 8:11 am

因為f(x) 除 x-5 係=9, 同時 f(x) 除 x+2 係=-5
咁你條式就係:: f(x) = 9/(x-5) = -5/(x+2)

f(x) = 9/(x-5) = -5/(x+2)

      9(x+2 = -5(x-5)
    9x + 18 = -5x+25
    9x + 5x = 25 - 18
      14x = 7
     x = 0.5

∴   x= 0.5

∴  f(x) = (x-5)(x+2)
 f(0.5) = [(0.5)-5][(0.5)+2]
     = (-4.5)(2.5)
      = -11.25 // <~ 答案

希望真係幫到你 -.-"

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