英文兩問! (請英文強人回答) 最佳解答40分!!!

2007-03-29 5:53 am
question 1 :中西薈萃的英文係咩?
請附上一例子: 香港是中西文化薈萃的地方。

question 2 :disappointed 的同義詞及附上例子。

在question 2 提出愈多同義詞及例子便大有機會成為最佳解答。

siusan129 我當然有查字典吧...而且再這打字也一樣用時間.... 所查出的disatisfied, discontented ....我覺得不太跟disappointed一樣, 亦因此才會到這裡求教.....

回答 (4)

2007-03-29 9:30 am
✔ 最佳答案
question 1 :中西薈萃的英文係咩?
請附上一例子: 香港是中西文化薈萃的地方。

Hong Kong is a place where the east meets the west.
Hong Kong is a collection of the finest of both Chinese and Western heritages and practices. For example, both traditional Chinese medicine and Western medical practices are in use in hospitals, and Chinese temples and Christian churches co-exist, each serving its worshipers. And when talking about the mixing of Chinese and Western cultures, nothing comes closer to food, as exemplified by fusion or cross-over foods. While local Hong Kong residents have long been used to the Western cuisines in restaurants of all types, more and more foreigners are appreciating the rich flavor of Chinese foods in Hong Kong.

question 2 :disappointed 的同義詞及附上例子。

'Disappointed' has the following synonyms;
aghast, balked, beaten, blue funk, cast down, chapfallen, complaining, defeated, depressed, despondent, disconcerted, discontented, discouraged, disenchanted, disgruntled, disillusioned, dissatisfied, distressed, down, downhearted, foiled, frustrated, hopeless, let down, objecting, shot down, taken down, thwarted, unhappy, unsatisfied, upset, vanquished, worsted

Some examples of the use of th synonyms;
- Frustrated - I feel frustrated with the deterioration of the situation despite my repeated efforts...

Disenchanted [let down] - I am disenchanted with the officer's inability to reverse the decision appeals from his staff....

Downhearted - I am downhearted with the slim prospect of the business

I am disillusioned with the debate on the development of democracy in hong Kong

etc, etc....
參考: Q1: me. Q2: Rogets Thesaurus (http://thesaurus.reference.com/search?q=disappointed)
2007-03-29 7:26 am
1. Melting pot of the East and the West

e.g. Fushion food

2. 第2題就請你不要太躲懶, 自己查查字典吧! 只要將 disappointed 打在網上的字典就有好幾百個答了. ......... ... 唉 ! ( LOSE HOPE) !
2007-03-29 7:09 am
1. Hong Kong is a place when east meets west.

2. dissatisfied, upset, disheartened, frustrated.

eg, I am very disappointed / upset / disheartened / frustrated / dissatisfied.

2007-03-28 23:10:12 補充:
Sorry, no. 1 should read:Hong Kong is a place where east meets west.
2007-03-31 2:33 pm
question 1 : Hong Kong's mother is China but father is United Kingdom !
question 2 : face off

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