
2007-03-29 4:21 am
球員中誰入得最多球 Hurry up!

回答 (4)

2007-03-29 4:28 am
✔ 最佳答案

全名 Edson Arantes
do Nascimento
出生日期 1940年10月23日
出生地點 巴西,特雷斯科拉松伊斯
暱稱 O Rei(球王)、
Pérola Negra(黑珍珠)
現在所屬 已退役
位置 前鋒
1955-56年 巴魯俱樂部
年份 球隊 出賽(入球)
1975-77年 山度士
宇宙 1,265 (1,124)
111 (65)
1956-71年 巴西 92 (77)
* 職業球會的出賽次數與進球數僅計算國內聯賽部份,
** 國家代表隊出賽次數和進球數

埃德遜·阿蘭德斯·多·納西門托(Edson Arantes do Nascimento,暱稱為比利,Pelé,1940年10月23日—,KBE)是一位前巴西著名足球員,進球過千。他可以打中前後場任何一個位置, 甚至守門員也能勝任。球技出神入化, 被稱為「世界球王」。

2007-03-30 4:45 am
都講明【Friedenrich's statistics cannot be confirmed as some of the goals occurred in matches not recognised by FIFA[citation needed]. 】即係話【老虎】好多入球都未得國際間的承認,都唔知點解仲有人會答....

2007-03-29 4:41 am


歷史上最多入球 : 老虎【Arthur Friedenreich】於1909年-1934年內作賽1293場【一共射入1329球】

Arthur Friedenreich (born July 18, 1892 in São Paulo – died September 6, 1969) was a Brazilian football player. Nicknamed The Tiger, he was one of the first black players in the previously white world of Brazilian football, and was arguably the sport's first black superstar. He was of mixed descent; his father Oscar Friedenreich emigrated from Germany to Brazil , and his mother Mathilde was an Afro-Brazilian.

After playing with a succession of São Paulo club sides from 1910 onwards, Friedenreich made his debut with the national team in 1914. He played twenty-two internationals, including wins in the 1919 and 1922 editions of the Copa América, scoring ten goals. On Brazil 's 1925 tour of Europe , he was feted as the King of Football.

Playing record
Friedenreich played for the following clubs:

1909 SC Germania
1910 Clube Atlético Ypiranga
1911 SC Germania
1912 Associacão Atlética Mackenzie College
1913–1915 Clube Atlético Ypiranga
1916 Clube Atlético Paulistano
1917 Clube Atlético Ypiranga
1918–1929 Clube Atlético Paulistano
1929–1931 São Paulo da Floresta
1931–1934 Clube de Regatas do Flamengo
He was top scorer of the Liga Paulista in the following years:

1912 Club: Associação Atlética Mackenzie College 12 goals
1914 Club: Clube Atlético Paulistano 12 goals
1917 Club: Clube Atlético Ypiranga 15 goals
1918 Club: Clube Atlético Paulistano 25 goals
1919 Club: Clube Atlético Ypiranga 26 goals
1921 Club: Clube Atlético Paulistano 33 goals
1927 Club: Clube Atlético Paulistano 13 goals
1928 Club: Clube Atlético Paulistano 29 goals
1929 Club: Clube Atlético Paulistano 16 goals
Because of the internal quarrels and the following splitting of the league in the LPF and APEA he had to share the top scorer title with the following players in the following years:

1914 player: Neco, Club: Sport Club Corinthians Paulista, 12 goals
1927 player: Araken, Club: Santos Futebol Clube, 31 goals
1928 player: Heitor, Club: Palestra Itália - today's Sociedade Esportiva Palmeiras, 16 goals
1929 player: Feitiço, Club: Santos Futebol Clube, 12 goals
He retired while playing for Flamengo in 1934 at the age of 42 and died on September 6, 1969, he was 77 years old. He played over 1200 games, scoring over 1200 goals, which is comparable to the record of Pelé. However, Friedenrich's statistics cannot be confirmed as some of the goals occurred in matches not recognised by FIFA[citation needed]. The statistical records which his father and then team-mate Mario de Andrade compiled disappeared after Friedenreich's death.

1 : 巴西第一個黑人球星: 綽號「老虎」Artur Friedenreich(1329球)
2 : 球王比利 (1280球)
3 : 匈牙利球王普斯卡斯(1176球)
現役球員 :
1 : 巴西羅馬里奧(999球)
2 : 國際賽史上入球最多是伊朗的戴伊(109 )
2007-03-29 4:24 am
朗那度掛 我古下

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