Can anyone recommend some films relating to Philosophy to me?
That means a film that has a philosophical idea behind.
Both English and Chinese films will be okay. Or in any other languages.
For example, a HK film "Running on Karma"(大隻佬) talks about cause and effect(因果)!
Many Thx
Besides film, video like investigating Greece- the origin of philosophy is also acceptable.
想找有關哲學影(短)片 or 電影 語言不限, 2000年後出產, *就算唔色情,都唔要三級片* 影片可以是例如 discovery channel, 介紹希臘 電影 - "大隻佬" 講因果業力! -只要能提供 1) 詳盡資料(where to buy, any links, the name of film, length, etc...) 及 2) 解釋與哲學的關係 即可得分 Many Thx