有開 Paypal Credit card 問題

2007-03-29 3:46 am
我開Paypal用黎買野, 點俾錢?
佢話要 credit card,
咁有咩 Credit card 可以用?
佢話唔知 master card 定 American Express 最近有d 新限制,
有無d Paypal 專家可以解答我,
最好有埋 link 提供,

回答 (3)

2007-03-29 3:51 am
✔ 最佳答案
Q: 我想知Paypal點用? 點俾錢?
A: 你要先開一個 Paypal account (www.paypal.com, click [sign up now]), account name = 自己個 email. 跟住你可以用佢嚟 send $, 亦可以用佢嚟收$. 香港 Paypal users 俾$一定要用咭, 除非你响 USA 有 bank account, 咁就可以直接過$去 Paypal.

Q: 佢話要credit card,咁有credit洗咩用Paypal?
A: Paypal 俾大部份網民受落因為一來 send $ 有保障 (Paypal 會保護 sender, 如果不幸被騙, 係特定情況下 Paypal 會賠返俾你), 二來就算冇 credit card 機嘅公司同私人賣家都可以收 credit card payment (諗吓, 如果我而家用 credit card 俾$1000你, 而你又冇 credit card 機, 你点過數呢?)

Q: 我開Paypal用黎買野,洗唔洗附加費?
No. 寄$免附加費, 但收$就要俾 (一般係3.4%+2.35HKD).

Q: 我有EPS,可唔可以開Paypal?
EPS 即 cash card 呀呵? Hmm... 如果冇 Visa debit 個標誌, 咁就唔得 (我係 EPS Visa 二合一, 所以唔清楚 sorry...)

Q: 其實我可唔可以用朋友張credit card黎買野,再俾返錢佢,OK?
A: 唔得, 因為佢嗰名 +address 同你唔同. 如果你乜都用晒佢嘅資料 e.g. name, address, card, 咁個 account 似係佢嘅多D... ^_^

Q: 用Credit card買野洗唔洗俾其他費用?
A: Paypal 唔會收附加費. 但有D credit card 公司會收海外交易費用 (e.g. 如果件貨o係英国而交易亦係用外幣). 詳程要問自己嘅銀行.

Hope this helps :)
2011-05-29 2:59 am
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2007-03-29 4:05 am
What is PayPal?

With PayPal, you have an online account that makes it easy to send money from a variety of sources (like your credit card or bank account) to a variety of recipients (such as an online store or your landlord) – without sharing your financial information. So the online store or your landlord never sees your credit card number or your banking information. See how PayPal helps you stay safe online.

PayPal is:

PayPal lets you instantly send payments online using your bank account, credit card, and other sources. No more waiting for the mail or standing in line at the bank.

Make payments securely with the click of a button. With PayPal, there’s no more hassle typing in credit card information every time you make a purchase.

Your financial information is never shared, so merchants never see your credit card or bank account numbers. Plus, our experienced fraud prevention team helps fight fraud before it happens.

PayPal is trusted worldwide, with more than 100 million PayPal accounts and growing. PayPal is accepted by hundreds of thousands of businesses across the globe.

It’s free to pay for purchases or send money to anyone with an email address in 103 countries and regions.

Why Choose PayPal?

Free to Send Money
Pay for purchases or send money to anyone with an email address in 55 countries and regions. It's free.
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PayPal is accepted by thousands of businesses worldwide and is the preferred payment method on eBay.com.
Easy to Sign Up, Easy to Use
Signing up for a PayPal account is easy, and takes just a few minutes to complete. Once you're done, you can send your payment in minutes!
參考: for more details , please visit (www.paypal.com)

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