
2007-03-29 2:27 am


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2007-03-30 8:20 am
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Chiu chow congee with minced pork and mushrooms


米 1杯
免 治 豬 肉 4兩
冬 菇 約 5-6粒

white rice 1cup
minced pork 100g
Dried mushrooms 5-6pcs

調味: Seasoning:

清 雞 湯 1罐
冬 菜 、 中 芹 隨 意

Canned chicken stock 1can
some preserved vegetables,chinese celery

製法: Cooking Method:

肉 碎 用 少 許 生 抽 、 胡 椒 粉 及 生 粉 略 醃 。
冬 菇 浸 軟 後 去 蒂 , 切 薄 片 或 絲 。
燒 滾 上 湯 及 適 量 水 份 , 放 米 煮 20分 鐘 (若 粥 太 乾 , 可 因 應 需 要 加 上 湯 或 水 )。
燒 熱 少 許 油 , 炒 香 肉 碎 及 冬 菇 , 再 加 入 米 煮 至 再 滾 起 即 可 撒 上 冬 菜 及 中 芹 粒 食 用 。

Marinade minced meat with some light sauce,salt and pepper and cornstarch.
Soak dried mushrooms until soft,then cut into thin shreds.
Bring stock to the boil and some water, put in rice and cook for 20 mins.(Add more stock or water if needed.)
Heat a little oil,fry minced meat and mushrooms, add in boiled rice and stock and cook until boils again. Serve and garnish with preserved vegetables and chinese celery.

Ham and cheese macaroni


白 汁 材 料 :

牛 油 3湯 匙
麵 粉 1/4杯
鮮 奶 2 杯

其 他 材 料 :

美 國 芝 士 ( 2安 士 ) 1/2杯 ( 切 粒 )
通 心 粉 ( 7安 士 ) 1包
火 腿 1/2杯

For the white sauce:

butter 3tbsp
flour 1/4cup
fresh milk 2cups


cheddar cheese 2oz/ half cup, diced
macaroni 7oz pack
ham slices, shredded 1/2cup



胡 椒 粉 1/8茶 匙
鹽 少 許
some salt and pepper

製法: Cooking Method:

煮 溶 牛 油 , 加 入 麵 粉 , 一 直 煮 至 汁 料 起 泡 , 加 入 鮮 奶 煮 至 濃 稠 。
火 腿 切 粒 ;煲 熟 通 心 粉 。
白 汁 落 鑊 與 通 心 粉 一 併 煮 3分 鐘 。
加 入 火 腿 粒 , 一 邊 攪 動 煮 約 2分 鐘 。
加 入 芝 士 、 鹽 及 胡 椒 粒 , 攪 拌 至 芝 士 溶 掉 即 成 。

Melt butter in saucepan, add in flour and milk , and cook over low heat until sauce is thick.
Shred or cut ham into dice. Cook macaroni according to instructions on package.
Add ham into sauce and stir for 2 minutes.
Add in cheese, salt and pepper, stir until cheese starts to melt, then pour over pasta and serve.
2007-04-11 7:02 pm
Amercian Pancakes

These American pancakes are great! Instead of being thin and silky like French crepes they are wonderfully fluffy and thick and can be made to perfection straight away. Simple, simple, simple!

3 large eggs
1 cup flour (122 grams)
1 heaped teaspoon baking powder
1/2 cup milk (110 millilitres)
Pinch salt
First, separate the eggs, putting the whites in 1 bowl and the egg yolks into another. Add the flour, baking powder and milk to the egg yolks and mix to a smooth thick batter. Whisk the whites with the salt until they form stiff peaks. Fold into the batter ? it is now ready to use.
Heat a non-stick pan on a medium heat. Pour a little oil onto some kitchen paper and spread onto the pan. Pour some of your batter into the pan and fry for a couple of minutes until it starts to look golden and firm. At this point, sprinkle your chosen flavouring onto the uncooked side before loosening with a spatula and flipping the pancake over. Continue frying until both sides are golden.
You can make these pancakes large or small, to your liking. You can serve them simply dowsed in maple syrup and even some butter or creme fraiche. Or try one of these great flavorings. Nice one.
Optional Toppings:
Corn on the cob
Bacon or pancetta
Stewed apples
Maple syrup
Anything else you can imagine...

P.S. You must try the corn pancakes, they are great. On one condition: you must use fresh corn. To do this, remove the outer leaves, and carefully run a knife down the cob, this will loosen all the lovely pieces of corn. I like to have some grilled bacon over my corn pancakes, drizzled with a little maple syrup. This sounds bloody horrid but it honestly tastes pukka!
2007-03-29 2:39 am
Pasta with mushroom cream sauce


1.pasta 250g

2. cream of mushroom or cream of chicken 1 can

3. button mushrooms 1 box

4. onion (shredded) 1 pc

5. ham(shredded) several slices


salt and pepper to taste

Cooking Method:

1. Boil water and cook pasta

2. heat oil in pan, stir fry onions, ham and button mushrooms. Stir in cream soup, and add extra water or stock if needed.

3. Drain cooked spaghetti and pour sauce over pasta and serve.

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