
2007-03-28 11:32 pm

回答 (5)

2007-03-28 11:39 pm
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not all men are simple, some are very complicated and hard to predict.
you may need a simple man, but simple man is not that interesting for you ...
you can try communicate and talk to him more, but if he purposely shut you up,
it is very hard to ask him to talk or speak up.
I will try this, just start not talking to him or shut up yourself ... if he still love you
and notice the difference, he will ask you to talk or speak up....
and at that time, you can request him to speak up like this ....
you say : "I feel you don't share your idea or your heart with me ... " " I care about you, I want to understand you more, because I am not a good guesser and I am not the worm in your tummy.... so I cannot tell or guess ..." "May be we should communicate more or improve our mutual communication" ...
cry or add some soft and serious tone, I think he will do something more for you ...
but if he still does not change, meaning he has so many stuff to hide from you ...
and he is not going to change for you ... at that time, think about a more simple man ... or just let him be ...
hope all help la
good luck

2007-03-31 10:17:46 補充:
let go or not ... it is your choice ...
a relationship is healthy or not, you know better
2007-03-29 8:25 am
2007-03-29 5:24 am
為何要捉往一個男人心, 每個人都有情緒, 思想而且會隨著環境改變而有不同的反應, 如果你能在他有不同反應時, 都能捉到他的思緒, 我真的覺得你很可憐, 你知不知道, 當你完全了解一個人時, 你要承受多大的壓力, 因為你應為他作出改變, 你知道他不喜歡, 你就為了他而作出改變, 這樣會失去自我和自由o

情侶的磨擦是一個階段, 當你愛一個人時不自覺會作出一些任性的決定, 因為你想知道他有幾 "愛你" , 幾 "包容你" 和 "接納你"o 所以你不要嘗試掌握別人的心, 你才能享受到愛情帶來的甜酸苦辣o

2007-03-28 21:33:34 補充:
沒有人能掌握你的除非你願意被人控制, 我相信他的掌握範圍只是很 "皮毛" 和" 表面化", 因為你是有自主權的, 你表現到你獨立的個性, 他就很難完全控制你的o
2007-03-28 11:50 pm
2007-03-28 11:46 pm
1 你們二人誰的教育水平比較高呢?

若男生學識比較高, 視野見識當然會比你廣, 當然你作什麼也不出他意料之外. 解決方法是你可以去讀下書提高學識與見識.

2 若上題不是, 你可以將平日的習慣刪除, 增加一些你的新興趣, 更改自己既時間表, 最少在行動上已有所不同.

3 思維, 對任何事的看法, 要多角度起來, 不要像以往一般想, 要看多一些其他人既意見, 識一下其他不同行業既人, 看一看他們的思維

ps 你咁變法可能會令男友無所適從, 甚至會對男友產生嫌棄之念, 你要緊記

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