windows xp professional - 繁簡互換

2007-03-28 11:07 pm
請問安裝了windows xp professional, 可否做到繁體windows 及 簡體windows互換...???? 因為有需要, 有時用繁體windows, 但有時要用簡體windows.. 可否同時有兩樣, 在 login 時選擇其中一樣, 需要用另一樣時先log out, 然後再log in 揀第二樣????

回答 (3)

2007-03-29 12:50 am
✔ 最佳答案

之後安裝一套Multi Language Pack
就可以英文, 繁體, 簡體互換..
2007-03-29 9:03 am
2007-03-28 11:30 pm
在 login 時選擇其中一樣, 需要用另一樣時先log out, 然後再log in 揀第二樣????
yes, you need to change the LOCATION and "display system" in Control Panel->regional and language settings ....
However, Microsoft purposely create 2 version of XP, one for chinese PRC, and one for chinese Taiwan, since the COMPUTER terms are named completely different from English translation ...
hope all help la

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