
2007-03-28 10:47 pm

but聽人話健完身要rest 48小時....但係我想又打波又可以健身~



回答 (2)

2007-03-28 11:20 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Play basketbal is good
It might help you be more stronger
And taller
Basketbal are good at younger children
And all the people
See that is why nba people are so strong
And tall
Because they play basketball
Like I play basketball too
I am school team
Another way you can be more stronger is that you drink more milk a day, it might help you grow so tall too.
I hope these opinions might help you

參考: Me
2007-03-29 4:03 am
我以前都係咁, 健身, 打籃球, 游水.

器械健身為無氧運動, 打籃球是有氧運動.
若果要夾住做, 建議:
1) 健身時要玩得輕, 不要太盡, 休息至少2小時, 食多d野補充體力及飲水
2) 做下盤(腳) 的話就唔好打波.

點都好, 量力而為啦!

* 健完身要rest 48小時 = 練肌肉會分開做手, 胸, 背, 腰, 腿等. 要肌肉大及健康成長, 充足的休息是要的. 例, 星期一拉完背, 就最好星期三先再拉...ok

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