
2007-03-28 6:13 pm
好久以前買下的tind電腦, 因早前鏟機時,發現不見了安裝聲效卡和顯示卡的磁碟片.
因底版是all in one, 現在電腦沒有聲音. 請問我如何解決呢?

回答 (2)

2007-03-28 6:23 pm
✔ 最佳答案

參考: myself
2007-03-28 6:24 pm
hmm, you can try Windows Vista installation, and see if they can really find the right hardware for you ... because it claimed to be better ...
otherwise, you have to look at the motherboard and copy out the number or
the Audio chipset to find the right audio driver for them.
hope it help la
good luck

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