How can I be a good English language learner?

2007-03-28 1:30 pm
What is the essential factor of a good English language learner?

回答 (2)

2007-03-29 12:43 am
First, read more English books( it's true, you have to do it, I am not copying from others), you do not have to chose difficult books at first, then you can improve your reading.You can read English newspaper too, e.g. South China Morning Post. Write down the vocabulary that are new to you, it can improve your reading and writing.

Second, try to speak more English with your parents, let them point out your mistakes and Chinglish, or try to read aloud a ariticle from a newspaper.

Third, you should watch more English programme or movies, try to see do you understand what are the people in the film taking about, later, I think you should cover the 中文字幕 in the movie, because you will read the 字幕 instead of listening the conversation.

Forth, doing exercises is very important for you, do more exercise which you are learning now and before, I think you should do 2 pages a day. Then check the anwsers back in case there are any careless mistakes.

Last, you have to write more compositions or sentences, try to use the word you learn from the book, use more new vocabularies, it can improve you writing.
參考: my expirience
2007-03-28 1:41 pm
Reading more, you can start from the short story books
Listen more, Watch TV, Movie,
Writing more, to meet some pan-pal from foreign people.
Speaking more, to talk with your teachers, friend etc.

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