用 bt download,忽然斷線,重上唔到網,點解??10分

2007-03-28 11:37 am
我用 bt download,唔知係咪一次過download太多file ,dowm down 吓.會忽然斷線,重上唔到網,重新開機就無事,可以再上網,點解呢??有無辦法解決?(我用另一部電腦都係一樣)

謝謝高手幫忙 thx!!!!


回答 (1)

2007-03-28 5:12 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Please download a copy of Bitcomet 0.70, it should be working like it should, if it still behave the same, maybe your ISP (network provider) already limiting your bandwidth or something ... (very little chance... but it happens :P)
if you are indeed infected by winsock virus, please download a copy of winsock fix in case you need it.
and run it if needed.... (like after bitcomet 0.70 and still not working)
and see if all help
good luck

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