online game 要加3D加速卡定係1GB RAM 定係加第咩

2007-03-28 8:35 am

回答 (4)

2007-03-28 8:44 am
✔ 最佳答案
你有好GE3D加速卡但條RAM唔夠...一樣係LAG....你 經費足夠的話可先買條1G RAM...幾百蚊有條(建議1GRAMX1 唔好用512X2 因為有D品牌/型號都未必支援...1條1G RAM不一定比512X2貴...因為E+512X2(我指的是套裝出售的)規格輸出功率比1G高....但對初學者黎講比較麻煩.....

2007-03-28 00:49:37 補充:

2007-03-28 00:50:52 補充:
參考: 自己
2007-03-28 8:45 am
If you don't want to have any lag when playing online games:
1. CPU speed 3GHz+
2. 2GB+ RAM
3. 256MB+ display RAM
4. use broadband(10Mbps)

2007-03-28 01:02:38 補充:
@upstairs:第1:考慮到經費上的問題....買中階ram比買中階3d加速卡便宜I won't say your theory is right. RAM has never been designed for pure gaming use and will definitely not improve much. The higher price of a display card is for the GPU on the card+extra independent RAM, which directly improves the game quality.

2007-03-28 01:02:54 補充:
第2:唔知你用緊咩ram同加速卡...推斷你用緊512ram同7300gts加速卡1. There is not a card model named 7300GTS, only 7300GS/GT/LE.2. If the asker is using any of the GeForce7300, it is unlikely he will have lag at all. He's probably only using on-board display chip.

2007-03-28 01:04:26 補充:
PS: Here are 2 softwares that shows a computer's hardware configurations:1. Everest Home Edition2. PC Wizard 2007Free for download and use.

2007-03-28 01:11:12 補充:
@upstairs:I know. But the asker is NOT asking for a price, he is asking what can be done. So it is more appropriate to provide him the best details. How he eventually going to upgrade his computer is his business, not ours.
2007-03-28 8:39 am
change ram + display card will be smoother
參考: Experience
2007-03-28 8:39 am

不過online game 最睇咩上網公司同咩game

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