1 day Kansai Area Pass

2007-03-28 8:12 am
想問買1day Kansai Area Pass係唔係可以去到大阪 JR Station先買呢?駛唔駛在香港買定架?如果到日本先買既話,係唔係要做以下既野架?

The purchaser must enter all necessary information on the application form, including name, nationality, passport number, and starting date of the trip, and must submit the application form together with the passport, departure portion of the immigration card (ED card), and return trip ticket


回答 (1)

2007-03-28 5:33 pm
✔ 最佳答案
JR Kansai Area Pass 屬於JR West Rail Pass, 所以可以在日本境內或境外購買, 但要出示日本以外國家所簽發的旅遊証件才可以買, (若果想買JR PASS全日本通行火車票的就只可在日本境外買), JR PASS係唔賣俾日本居住的日本國民架, 所以係要辦小小的手續先買到架啦, 以你所寫的英文內容, 相信是從JR官方網站抄下來的, 當然準確啦....當你以旅客身份進入日本之後, passport會釘著一份ED card, (如果購物退稅都要係呢張card上做紀錄), 所以要你出示"passport, departure portion of the immigration card (ED card), and return trip ticket"應該不是難題....

JR官方網站: http://www.westjr.co.jp/english/travel/jrp/index.html

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 15:58:57
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