0係 london 睇歌劇應該著咩衫?

2007-03-28 7:32 am
我想問有冇人知道0係 london 0既 theatre 睇歌劇駛唔駛著得好 grand 0架?
如果著牛仔褲, "咩" 住個大 backpack, 佢會唔會唔俾我入0架??

回答 (1)

2007-03-28 8:08 am
✔ 最佳答案
If you are talking about Royal Opera House, then No, there is no dress code. But you have to checkin your any bags (including backpacks) into the cloakroom.

If you talking about Musical Theatre like Theatre Royal Haymarket and Her Majesty's Theatre, there is not much rules except not admitting babies or toddlers.

If you are talking about Royal Albert Hall, then, probably no, unless the event is specifically requested. You will know that by checking out the ticket and it should be printed on it.

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