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1. Cook the pasta to desired tenderness, and drain. Put the cooked pasta in a baking dish, add seafood and cheeses** on top, cover*** and bake for 20 minutes.
2. Incorporate the sushi vinegar**** into the rice, mould the rice into [desired shape and size] and top on fresh salmon.
**如果只用一種芝士就用 cheese. 多於一種先用 cheeses.
***通常意大利人焗pasta係會用蓋或鍚紙cover; 最後5-10分鐘先拎走, 讓面層可以脆d, caramelize (如果唔cover焗, 會乾..)
如果你唔要cover, 就刪除那個字就可以.
**** 壽司飯除了醋仲要落糖喎..除了甜味, 糖會令壽司飯更黏, 飯唔會容易甩出來.
仲有, 你係要捏成甚麼型狀啊?? 正式飯團 (onigiri) 係三角形或圓形的 (一個波咁).. 如果加埋糖, 和表明係zushi-size(常見長方形的那一種)會這樣:
2. Incorporate the sugar and sushi vinegar into the rice. Mould the rice in one of your palms and press on the rice, with your index and middle finger of your other hand, to form the shape. Top with fresh salmon.
2007-03-27 23:22:57 補充:
sorry..Place the cooked pasta into a baking dish 順口d.
參考: I am an abc, and I study nutritional anthropology