✔ 最佳答案
1) Capilano
Quality is quite good, the price is not more than $50 per bottle. It is from Australia and available in
Wellcome Supermarket and 價真棧.
2) Citysuper
There are more expensive honey from other countries, like New Zealand. I have bought one in Citysuper. It costs about $150 per small bottle. Of course, the Quality is very good. You will have more confidence in its quality and purity. If you can pay more than $100 per bottle, it is suggested to buy in Citysuper.
3) 華潤堂
http://www.crcretail.com/crcmedichall.asp?Lang=C, You can also buy good quality honey here.
土瓜灣欣榮花園 **、 將軍澳新都城中心二期 ** 、西營盤正德大廈 * 、 屯門市廣場、荃灣南豐中心、佐敦彌敦道、元朗教育路、青衣長發購物中心、香港仔成都道、中環德輔道中、上水中心、 尖沙咀九廣鐵路東站、何文田廣埸、灣仔華潤大廈、觀塘輔仁街、將軍澳厚德商場、沙田廣場、油麻地彌敦道、旺角彌敦道、石蔭購物商埸、深水埗青山道、鑽石山荷里活廣埸、旺角中心一座新の城、北角英皇道、荃灣眾安街、沙田瀝源村、 大埔廣福村、深水埗西九龍中心、紅磡黃埔花園、淘大商場、 奧海城商場二期、銅鑼灣軒尼詩道、粉嶺名都商場、屯門海翠坊、 尖東東鐵站、北角健威坊、天水圍頌富商場二期
4) Thitinan
It is from Thailand and you may buy this honey in "Price Mart 價真棧".
Prizemart Ltd
電話:2406 8879
4.1) 上水中心地下
4.2) N-040 Rm A, B & C, 10/F, Tsuen Wan Int'l Ctr
4.3) 沙田連城廣場32及37號舖 電話:2605 2228
4.4) 紅磡站G15號舖 電話:2406 8879
4.5) Wanchai Road