
2007-03-28 4:18 am
究竟係You are teller than I 岩定係 You are teller than me岩

question 2:
baby 用gei pronoun 係 it
如果baby jacky即係我知道佢個名~咁仲用唔用it ar~?

回答 (6)

2007-03-28 9:55 am
✔ 最佳答案
究竟係You are teller than I 岩定係 You are teller than me岩
兩句都岩 ,
在正式英語 than 是連接詞 ,
故此 than 後面是主語 ,
因此在正規英語仍要用 than I ,
但在非正式英語中 , than me 更常用 ,
He has more time than I / we ( have ) .
He has more time than me / us .
I swim better than he does .
I swim better than him .
They work harder than we do .
They work harder than us .

as 亦同樣 :
You can' t type as fast as I can .
You can' t type as fast as me .

It 有時也可用來代表嬰兒 ,
Her new baby is tiny . It only weight 2 kilos .
如果 baby jacky 即確定了其性別 ,
用 he / she 表示 ,

2007-03-28 01:59:47 補充:
You are teller than I / me .應該係 : You are * taller than I / me .
2007-03-28 5:28 am
究竟係You are teller than I 岩定係 You are teller than me岩

"I" is used if it means the subject of the sentence:
Jane and I went to see a movie yesterday.
You and I are both taller than Fred.

"I" is changed to "me" if it becomes the object in the sentence:
That little boy in the picture is me!
You are taller than me.

question 2:
baby 用gei pronoun 係 it
如果baby jacky即係我知道佢個名~咁仲用唔用it ar~?

It's completely fine to use "it" to represent a baby if you are not sure about the gender. If you know the name is Jacky, it's probably better to use "he".

There are names that can be used by both genders (Calude, Eddie, Gale, Frankie, Jay, Kyle, et.), and some names have male and female versions that sound similar (e.g. Jacky for boys, Jackie for girl). So, beware of that.
2007-03-28 4:26 am
You are teller than me岩

question 2:
baby 用gei pronoun 係 he/she
2007-03-28 4:24 am

You are taller than me岩, it is because it's already have subject pronoun "you", so we should use a object pronoun "me" instead of "I"


you can use either "it" or "he", both of them are correct
參考: myself
2007-03-28 4:23 am
You are teller than me岩
參考: 自己想!!!
2007-03-28 4:23 am
question 1
用 you are teller than me

question 2
用 he

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