ASUS WL-520G 125G Wireless Router

2007-03-28 2:30 am
I just buy ASUS WL-520G 125G Wireless Router, but i am using HGC broadband,If i plug in to connect the router, i can't connect the internet. Can U help me and teach me how to install the router,( HGC didn't want to tell me how to slove the problem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

i am a new born in computer aspect, can u teach me in detail?

回答 (2)

2007-03-28 2:35 am
✔ 最佳答案
雖則asus 同 hgc我都未用過
你可以試下張部腦既mac copy入去個router到既 好多人都係咁

2007-03-28 20:42:19 補充:
開ie 網址打192.168.0.1入去改佢既setting 正常應該說明書有教
2007-03-28 2:44 am
check your power supply first
find out the router connect to you PC
if not ,check the power supply of the broadband and is it runnin g well
(some buildings only allow people use the broadband with connecting to the power supply without any other electric apparatus connected to)
follow the guideline of installation, if any
it is generally required to set - up your computer first
(all should be found in the guide book)

收錄日期: 2021-04-18 21:42:19
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