
2007-03-28 2:17 am
I described the suspect to Jonathan.I said Janathan the suspect haves sunglasses,cap and is wearing a white T-shirt and black throuse.Next,the suspect went to entrance.Jonathan had saw he.When Jonathan said "stop".Next,he straggling for the susupect,but the suspect is stronger than Jonathan,So Jonathan is so pain.Finally,a policeman helped stop struggling the suspect.Then,I went to entrance when think Jonathan is very brave.

回答 (1)

2007-03-28 4:46 am
✔ 最佳答案
1st line: " I said Janathan the suspect haves sunglasses,cap and is wearing a white T-shirt and black throuse. "
" I told Jonathan that the suspect was wearing sunglasses, a cap, white T-shirt and black trousers. "

1) have 唔會有 s
2) suspect 為第3身單數,如果用都用 has
3) 你指 the suspect 戴眼鏡,所以動詞是wear, have glasses 是Chinglish(中文式的英文)
4) 用 past continuous tense " was wearing " 因為他當時戴緊
5) 加 that 因這是 reported speech 的慣常用法 -
e.g. He told me that May was getting married.
6) 注意串法 - trousers, Johnathan

" Next,the suspect went to entrance. "
" Then the suspect just came up to / came in through the entrance. "

1) next 同 then 用法不一,then 的意思是然後。
e.g. the suspect tied her up, next he robbed her house.
2) 加 just, 意即剛巧
3) went to the entrance 不是一般說法,建議改成
- came up to the entrance = move towards the entrance 或
- came in through the entrance = 經入口進來
4) entrance 漏了 article " the "

" Jonathan had saw he. When Jonathan said ' stop ' "
" When Johnathan saw him, he shouted ' stop! ' "

1) 無 had saw 這樣的tense。 " had seen " 就有,是 present perfect, 表示一件過去的事在另一件過去的事之前發生。e.g. I had completed my homework before I watched TV.
2) 你這裡只需要過去式saw
3) he 和 him 同指他,但用於句子不同位置,就咁解好難明,多做練習啦,就領悟o架啦!
4) 留意 when 用法 -
e.g. When I came in, she cried, " my God! " 或
She cried, " my God! " when I came in.
5) 這兒指大叫,所以用shouted, said只是一般說話

" Next,he straggling for the susupect, but the suspect is stronger than Jonathan,So Jonathan is so pain. '
" Then he struggled with the suspect, but since the suspect was stronger than him, he suffered. "

1) 注意 struggle 串法, 同人打架,preposition 用 with (e.g, I fight with him, I read with him, I go out with him...)
2) 注意 tense - 應用simple past過去式 - struggled, was, suffered
3) 用 greatly suffered 吃了很大苦頭, 比was so painful意思較恰當

" Finally, a policeman helped stop struggling the suspect. "
" Finally, a policeman helped to stop the fighting. "

1) " to stop " 是 infinitive;
無 to 是 bare infinitive, 不是很多情形用 bare infinitive -
e.g. I hear him sing / I watch the bird fly - ' sing, watch ' 是有關觀感的動詞
e.g. you must do it / you can do it - 用於must、can等句子
2) 用 the fighting (這場打鬥) 比較簡潔正確

" Then,I went to entrance when think Jonathan is very brave. "
" After the fighting stopped, I went up to the entrance to thank Johnathan for his bravery. "

1) then 用得太多啦,所以改成 ' After the fighting stopped, '
2) 用 went up to 唔用 went to 之前已解釋
3) 串錯字啦,多謝是thank 唔o係 think, think o係稔
e.g. I thank May for her kindness; I thank God for his help
4) 因為他的勇敢而道謝,這兒勇敢是noun名詞,所以用bravery, brave 是形容詞

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