✔ 最佳答案
my first year is 398 x 12 only one club all time, then second year change 298 x 12, then 6 months ago i pay 1360 x 12 for the life membership,after that each year just pay 88. so if you plan will keep work out in your whole life ,this plan should be the cheap one,if this GYm still open before you die.
I also hear from other people in the GYM, carlifornia always have different price,sometimes 498 X 12, sometimes 398x 12. my sister join 298 x 12 all club, I think this already is the cheapper one. Also one of my friend had join 5500 per 3 year.
if you dont want pay more when you join it must say ,you have no money.
If you join this club, maybe can go workout together oneday, Good luck!