
2007-03-28 12:19 am
我個顯示卡係NVIDIA GeForce4 MX 440 with AGP8X

唔該哂先 GeForce 7600GS 256MB DDR2 RAM NVidia GeForce 8800GTX 係咪一定岩我部機架啦? 我D朋友話唔岩鄈機會燒架喎



回答 (2)

2007-03-28 2:54 am
✔ 最佳答案
AGP8X 插槽用既卡選擇吾係太多, 普通打得0下既就如樓上講的7600GS 256MB/DDR2 RAM, 不過AGP8X 就冇670元咁平播, 視乎廠商, 大約要800-900元! 雖然叫普通

致於近期評價最高則係X1950 PRO, 同7600GT有得fight, 大約要1100-1200元.

高要求就等多幾個星期, 聽聞會有7950GT會有AGP8X面世.
2007-03-28 12:37 am
GeForce 7600GS 256MB DDR2 RAM ~$670

The above specs. are similar for 7600GS.

2007-03-27 16:37:34 補充:
From nVidia

2007-03-28 01:29:19 補充:
7600GS will suit your computer, as long as you buy the AGP plug version. 8800GTS/GTX will NOT support your system, cause it only provides PCI-E plug.Here are 2 softwares that shows a computer's hardware configurations:1. Everest Home Edition2. PC Wizard 2007Free for download and use.

2007-03-28 01:34:13 補充:
Got one suitable for you:Gigabyte GV-N76G256D-RH: GeForce7600GS 128MB DDR2 RAM $840Unfortunately it can't reach 256MB because it is bounded by AGP technology.

2007-03-28 01:38:19 補充:
@downstairs:All those copy and paste is useless, not the top gear will always fit.DO NOT misguide people if you're not familiar.PS: AGP 8x card will fit any AGP slot. But if the max data transfer rate of your is 4x, the efficiency will not reach 100%. Only very old cards use AGP 4x.

收錄日期: 2021-04-18 21:49:04
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