
2007-03-27 11:06 pm
各位,如果我想0係gatwick airport 轉車去Stansted 搭ryanair,請問有咩又平又快既方法? 另外車程需要幾耐? 我見有d website 話要成50 pounds per head....好貴.....謝謝喲~^^

回答 (2)

2007-03-28 7:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
The cheapest and direct way should be taking the coach (www.nationalexpress.co.uk), and select Aiport, then choose from Gatwick (South or North Terminal) to Stansted Airport. Normally a single ticket for an adult is GBP25 per head, but don't need to keep taking the train, then underground then bus. Less trouble! The duration is around 2 hrs 50 mins to 3 hrs 10 mins, it depends on which one do you take, as different schedule could takes longer or shorter, but maximum just 3 hrs 10 mins.

Remember: National Express operate the direct coach from Gatwick to Stansted, personally would recommence you that don't bother to take more than 2 different transports, just waste time.

2007-03-28 21:13:53 補充:
Remember: NO change is required if you take the national express from Gatwick to Stansted Airporthttp://www.nationalexpress.com/destinations/airports.cfm?t=air

2007-03-28 21:15:45 補充:
Don't need to buy TWO tickets and change at London Victoria, as National Express do operate direct coach between the London airports. Normally the one way ticket is GBP25 and 2 hrs 50 mins.
2007-03-27 11:48 pm
由Gatwick Airport去Stansted Airport... 你可以係Gatwick Airport坐First Captail Connect去到London Farringdon轉地鐵去Liverpool Street(所有Eastbound車都經Liverpool Street)... 之後有Stansted Express火車由Liverpool Street去Stansted Airport...
第一程First Captail Connect係要GBP9一程到倫敦市中心... 之後地鐵就係GBP3一程 (GBP1.5如果你買張Oyster卡,好似香港Octopus卡)...最後Stansted Express係如似GBP15左右來回... First Captail Connect同Stansted Express車票價格同時間可以係 www.nationalrail.co.uk 睇到(可以上網book飛)...
全個trip所需時間係2小時左右啦(第一程First Captail Connect去Farringdon要40分鐘左右,之後地鐵去Liverpool Street就要10分鐘,最後Stansted Express就45分鐘左右啦)... 但係記住First Captail Connect同Stansted Express要分開book先會平D... 如果係一次過book由Gatwick Airport去Stansted Airport就會貴好多(而且時間同分開book一樣)...
如果係時間係多,你可以坐NationalExpress... 而且要轉少一次車... 你只要係London Victoria Coach Station轉一轉車... 第一程車由Gatwick Airport去London Victoria要GBP16.2... 之後London Victoria去Stansted Airport就要GBP10... 而車程係(第一程大約2小時,第二程1小時30分鐘)... 價格同時間表可以係www.nationalexpess.com睇... 而分開2程book都一樣係會比較平D...
參考: 住左係倫敦八年...

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