Digimon Story (10分)

2007-03-27 10:46 pm

回答 (3)

2007-03-29 2:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
hello raiden52,
Just want to make sure, is 朱雀獸 one of the 4 beasts?? If it is...then you are going to stuck at the stage after this beast. The boss after 朱雀獸 is way way harder.

Anyway, to answer your question to increase Api and Lv, you probably have to degenerate your digimon and level them up again. When you degenerate your digimon, you should see the Lv and Api increase. I know it's going to be painful, but try it (of course save your game first).

From what i see, your digimon level should be able to defeat this beast...anyhoo, Good luck and hope you understand what i'm trying to say.
2008-08-25 12:38 am
how can 發表question
2007-03-30 10:42 pm
hello raiden52,
I got a website, it has many games faq,
maybe it will help you when you play.
It also have many cheat code, secret and faq.
Not only this game, but many other games!^.^
Hope it can help you... ^.^

2007-04-03 18:42:50 補充:
The website is www.gamesfaq.com
參考: I go there for many secret, faq, code...

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