翻譯成英文 -- URGENT

2007-03-27 10:11 pm
我以前做船公司的中轉部﹐主要通理的貨物是由東南工中轉到世界各地﹐有些貨是危險品及稅品﹐我就要同海關申請批準証出口。有些貨品是由其他代理用其他船公司進口的中轉貨﹐我們便要處理入口及出口部驟﹐包括入口報關﹐轉D/O﹐同運輸約時間拖櫃﹐同碼頭安排時間入櫃。之後轉左做SALES CO-ORDINATOR﹐要做PROJECTION- 同客做個預算他們需要幾多櫃﹐我需要做船期表比VIP SHIPPER, 及特別的REPORT 比VIP CONSIGNEE.

回答 (2)

2007-03-28 12:29 am
✔ 最佳答案
I before makes the boating company the relay department ﹐ main cargo is relays world each place ﹐ some goods from the southeast labor is the dangerous material and tax ﹐ I must apply for the authorized card export with the customs. Some goods are relay goods ﹐ we which imports with other boating companies then must process the entrance by other proxies and the oral area suddenly ﹐﹐ transfer D/O including the entrance declaration ﹐ to tow the cabinet with the transportation approximately time ﹐ to enter the cabinet with the wharf arrangement time. Transfers afterwards left makes SALES CO-ORDINATOR ﹐ to have to make PROJECTION- to make with the guest to budget them to need more than several cabinets ﹐ me to need to make the sailing schedule to compare VIP SHIPPER, and special REPORT compares VIP CONSIGNEE.
參考: me
2007-03-27 10:17 pm
I made the changing trains department of the ship company in the past, the main open goods that pay attention to are transfering to all parts of the world from southeast workers, some goods are hazardous articles and tax product , I will apply to sanction the card to export with the customs soon. Some goods to it acts as agent to be that Company import to transfer the goods with other ship while being other, it is sudden that we will deal with the entry and export department, including the entry is declared at the Customs, D/O rotates, tow the cupboard with transporting making an appointment, budget one's time and enter the cupboard with the quay . Is it make SALES CO-ORDINATOR to turn left later, is it make between PROJECTION- and guest make pieces of budget how much cupboard they need , I is it make date of shipment form than VIP SHIPPER to need to want, and special REPORT to VIP CONSIGNEE
參考: my

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