Opening securites bank account

2007-03-27 9:09 pm
I want to open an securites bank account to trade stock or warrant, but I wonder BEA is better or HSBC? Which charge me less fee? I am a univesrity student.

Is it possible to give them two address while registering, the home address and mailing address so that no things from the bank will send to my home?

回答 (2)

2007-03-29 4:11 am
✔ 最佳答案
HSBC provide free real time quote but there is a limit for each month.(~1000 quotes)
If you go over the limit HSBC will start to charge you.

They offer warrant their own warrants as well as other (you can trade all types of warrant offered in the stock exchange)

They also offer international share trading services eg. Japan USA UK Australia etc....
2007-03-27 9:23 pm
I think BEA is much better than HSBC, the charge is less also!
If you don't want any document sent to your home, you may require they send to your mailing address, or post office box.

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