
2007-03-27 6:41 pm
時至今天,同性戀者一直在社會上存在爭議,在異性戀者為大多數的社會, 同性戀者 往往成為歧視,疏遠 和隔離的一群.


回答 (3)

2007-03-27 6:58 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Until today, the homosexual community has been controversial in the community for the majority of heterosexuals, Discrimination against homosexuals is often alienation and isolation of the group.
2007-03-28 4:30 am
When to today, the homosexual always has the dispute in the society, in the heterosexual love for the majority societies, the homosexual often becomes the discrimination, becomes estranged a crowd which and isolates.
2007-03-28 2:25 am
When to today,it is in homosexuality have dispute at society, it is most societies in heterosexuality person, homosexuality person often becomes and discriminates against, drift apart With one group isolating.
參考: Microsoft Word

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