How can i choose a career?

2007-03-27 5:31 pm
How can i choose a career?


回答 (2)

2007-03-28 8:26 am
✔ 最佳答案
In fact, you may think about your ability of what employer may employ you. If you have ability to be kitchen assistant, you won't be salon assistant.
If you want to do something what will not employ you now, you may do other part time job first, and study those related subject. when you finish your study, you may do what you want to do later.
Of course, you may also think about what you may contribut to the society. If you want to help others, you may study social work and then do it later.
Final, think about the money you want. Some jobs you may want to do, yet the income may be low. Then, you may think about the priority of job.

Interest, Ability, Contribution or Income,

Hope these may help you.
2007-03-28 5:01 am
It really depends on your education background, experience and finance situation. Basically, if money is not important to you then you can base on your interest to find whatever job you like. If the salary is important to you then you can only find a job that you are qualified with highest income.

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