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[[ I find it hard to trust not only me, but everyone around me because of you. ]]
解: (因為你) 我覺得好難相信自己 及身邊的人.
i.e. 你搞到我而家好難相信自己及身邊既人. (責備緊人).
There is no flaw in the grammar. 那是當然的因為歌詞經好多人讀&改.
歌詞有fragment更大的可能係故意的. (e.g. rap)
[[ I found out that it's hard to trust not only me, but everyone around me because of you. ]]
解: (因為你) 我發現我係好難相信自己 及身邊的人.
Grammatically說, 冇錯 但整個意思變成 (感謝你令我覺悟).
呢一句唔順口,仲加長左個verse. 尤其係歌詞要用最短最流暢的寫作方式.
[[ Found out ]] 只會講, 同用在 informal writing. 中學或以上都好小用.
歌詞幾乎唔會用, 因為一首正常既歌唔會有咁既scenario.
幾乎一定會有比 found out 更適合的詞語.
I FOUND OUT there was a hidden camera in her living room.
I wish I never FOUND OUT the truth.
can be replaced with the following, respectively.
I discovered a hidden camera in her living room.
I wish I never got to know the truth.
2007-03-27 09:24:22 補充:
BY THE WAY, 我岩岩睇左個歌詞. 應該係講緊佢媽咪, 信錯左人, 抑鬱左好耐, 應該係自殺或俾車撞死. 個女因為trauma而長大得不正常. 怪媽咪自私; 丟低佢.佢覺得冇感受過愛. 所以性格比較偏激, 孤癖.你指那一段verse的意思係:因為你,我唔敢太相信自己 或身邊的人.(i.e. 係童年陰影令到而家冇辦法信到人, 好孤獨, 怕做錯決定, 信錯人, esp 男人.)