加拿大study permit過期後可留在加拿大旅遊嗎?

2007-03-27 12:01 pm
我現在在加拿大exchange, study permit 在5月1日到期, 可以留多一個月才走嗎? 需要甚麼手續??


回答 (3)

2007-03-27 12:58 pm
✔ 最佳答案
You need to apply Form: Imm1249 to change your condition from study permit to visitor visa. If your study permit expire on May 1, you should submit an applicaiton to extend your status to visitor visa on April 2. (CIC recommond) The Fee is CAD$75 if you later than May 1 to apply for visitor visa there will be $275.

You have to provide to CIC: your copy of passport with photo showing expire date, your return ticket (if any), copy of your present study permit, copy of bank statement showing you can support yourself, & two photos.

I am working at this field for 6 years. Hope it can help you.

2007-03-28 11:43:01 補充:
This is not acceptable. If everyone did the same way to extend their status, they could stay in Canada forever and ever. 你可能immediate被立令離境。 有client 遇到過。
2007-03-29 3:39 am
You must leave Canada before the study permit it expires. Failure to do so will have serious consequence.

You may contact find some company to help you extend your visa. The following link may help you:

參考: www.isscc.com
2007-03-27 12:15 pm
你可以apply 延期, 但要係你要係過期之前一個月apply....你可以到以下網址列印表格.

參考: 我人在加拿大:)

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