✔ 最佳答案
Q1. I like to meet people of different kinds, prefer challenges to routine work and am a good team player. Moreover, I am an enthusiastic person and often attentive to details whenever I do my job.
Q2. I do prefer to work with others as a team because this will generate a better working atmosphere, improve efficiency and most important, the synergy effect in the workplace.
Q3. I agree that participation to extra-curricular activities is worthy because it helps to shape a positive personality for me, improve my interpersonal skill and make many friends.
2007-03-27 09:49:20 補充:
A graduate of CityU in BBABM and a HR executive.
2007-03-27 09:58:49 補充:
Synergy 中文為..協同效應..., 1 1 2, 兩人合作產生的果效, 多於兩人的個人效果的總和. 所以做事要著重合作, 發揮團隊精神, 則可事半而功倍也~~!
2007-03-27 10:03:47 補充:
補充 : 1 1 2 = 1 "加" 1 "大於" 2